3.2.59. VERIFY(string,ref[,[option][,start]])

With only the first two parameters, it will return the position of
the first character in string that is not also a character in the
string ref. If all characters in string are also in ref, it will
return 0.

If option is specified, it can be one of:

     (Nomatch) The result will be the position of the first
     character in string that does exist in ref, or zero if all
     exist in ref. This is the default option.

     (Match) Reverses the search, and returns the position of the
     first character in string that exists in ref. If none exists
     in ref, zero is returned.

If start (which must be a positive whole number) is specified, the
search will start at that position in string. The default value
for start is 1.

     VERIFY(‘foobar’, ‘barfo’)          –>   ‘2’
     VERIFY(‘foobar’, ‘barfo’, ‘M’)     –>   ‘2’
     VERIFY(‘foobar’, ‘fob’, ‘N’)       –>   ‘5’
     VERIFY(‘foobar’, ‘barf’, ‘N’, 3)   –>   ‘3’
     VERIFY(‘foobar’, ‘barf’, ‘N’, 4)   –>   ‘0’