RXMSQ — The External Data Queue Exit Handler
The external data queue exit handler is used as a hook for
operations manipulating the external data queue (or the stack).
Unfortunately, the stack is a borderline case of what is relevant
to the REXX SAA API.  Operations like putting something on,
retrieving a string from, obtaining the size, etc. of the stack is
not part of the SAA API.
However, some of this functionality is seemingly here; but not
all.  For instance for the RXMSQPLL subfunction, SAA API is called
by the interpreter before the interpreter calls whatever system-
specific call is available for retrieving a string from the stack.
Thus the SAA API can be used by an application to provide the
interpreter with a fake stack, but it is not a suitable means for
the application itself to manipulate the real stack.
The RXMSG exit has four subfunctions:

          This is called before a line is retrieved from the stack
          and the application may itself provide the interpreter
          with an alternative line.  On entry, the third parameter
          points to a structure having the following definition:
               typedef struct {
                    RXSTRING rxmsq_retc;
               } RXMSQPLL_PARM;
          The rxmsq_retc field holds the string to be retrieved
          from the stack.  Note that it is an output parameter, so
          its value on entry is undefined.
          This is called before the interpreter puts a line on the
          stack, and it may grab the line itself, and thus prevent
          the interpreter from putting the line on the stack.
          Note that this exit handles both pushing and queuing.
          The third parameter is:
               typedef struct {
                    struct {
                         unsigned rxfmlifo: 1;
                    } rxmsq_flags;
                    RXSTRING rxmsq_value;
               } RXMSQPSH_PARM;
          Here the field rxmsq_value holds the string to be put on
          the stack.  Whether the string is to be pushed or queued
          is determined by the boolean value rxmsq_flags.rxmlfifo,
          which is TRUE if the string is to be pushed.
          All values are input values.  What happens if you change
          them is not defined in the SAA API.  Some
          implementations may let you modify the contents of
          rxmsq_value and return RXEXIT_NOT_HANDLED and the string
          push by the interpreter contains the modified string.
          However, you should not rely on this since it is highly
          incompatible.  You may not de-allocate rxmsq_value.
          this is called before the interpreter tries to determine
          the size of the stack, and it may present an alternative
          size to the interpreter.  The third parameter is:
               typedef struct {
                    ULONG rxmsq_size;
               } RXMSQSIZ_PARM;
          The field rxmsq_size can be set to the number the
          application wants the QUEUED() function to return.  Note
          that this parameter is undefined on entry, so it cannot
          be used to retrieve the number of lines on the stack.
          This is called before the interpreter tries to retrieve
          the name of the current stack, and it may present the
          interpreter with an alternative name.  Note that this
          functionality is part of SAA but not TRL; it supports
          the Get option of the RXQUEUE() built-in function.  Note
          that there are no other exits supporting the other
          options of RXQUEUE().  The third parameter for this exit
               typedef struct {
                    RXSTRING rxmsq_name;
               } RXMSQNAM_PARM;
          As with RXSQMSIZ, the field rxmsq_name can be set to the
          name which the application wants to return to the
          interpreter as the name of the current stack.  Note that
          this is an output-only parameter; its value on input is
          undefined, and in particular is not the name of the real

Note that this area is troublesome.  In TRL, external data queues
are not defined as part of the language, while in SAA it is.
Thus, TRL-compliant interpreters are likely to implement stacks in
various ways that may not be compatible with the SAA.